This power to issue orders that summarily terminate risks to the public health, safety, or economic welfare has historical antecedents in the common law power to abate public nuisances, but in the modern regulatory state the delegation of powers to take summary action has become widespread. 发布命令即刻中止对公共健康、安全或经济福利构成危险的权力在减少公害的普通法权力方面是有历史先例的,但在近代行政管理领域,诉诸简易诉讼的授权已普遍流行。
In some instances, the common law privileges and the constitutional protection against self-incrimination may both be relevant to a subpoena enforcement action. 在有些情况下,普通法特权和宪法保障防止自证有罪都可能和传票执行诉讼相关。
The act is a direct outgrowth of the old common law system of writs such as mandamus, certiorari, and prohibition, which served as the foundation for judicial review of administrative action before the modern system of civil procedure was developed. 《执行令和审判地点法》是古老的判例法令状制度如指令、调取案卷令状和禁令等的直接结果,它在近代民事程序制度发展之前,起着作为司法审查行政行为的基础的作用。
Common law term for an action against a person arise out of a contract or tort 对人诉讼;普通法用语,表示因合同或侵权向某人进行的诉讼
The system of arrest of ships in common law countries is tightly connected with action in rem, which, as an old but lively law system, plays a very important role in maritime lawsuits, and has influenced the civil law countries as well. 英美法系的扣船制度与对物诉讼密不可分,对物诉讼作为一项古老而具有顽强生命力的法律制度,在英美法系海事诉讼中扮演着举足轻重的角色,并已将其影响力波及到大陆法系各国;
The author surveyed that the rules and theory of civil law system and common law system about malicious prosecution, and point out that malicious prosecution which is a type of tort action deriving from common law. 通过比较,笔者得出两个结论,其一是:大陆法与英美法中,程序法与实体法对恶意诉讼的规制不同。
Mainly introduces the American in seeking patent medicine with generics common development of legislation and law enforcement experience, Indian generics development experience and the Australian government action. 主要介绍了美国在寻求专利药与仿制药共同发展方面的立法与执法经验、印度的仿制药发展经验以及澳大利亚政府的举措。
Cross-examination rule, by drawing on common law rules of the system of expert witnesses asked to ensure that each of the parties asked the trial, cross-examination, and then ask the right of action to promote the trial of the key evidence to be substantial cross-examination. 交叉询问规则,是通过借鉴英美法系询问专家证人制度的规则,来保证庭审双方当事人相互的询问、交叉询问、再询问的诉讼权利,促使庭审中的关键证据得到实质的质证。